The Best Mini Goldendoodle Rescue in the Country

Home / Goldendoodle / The Best Mini Goldendoodle Rescue in the Country

Looking for an experienced mini Goldendoodle rescue can be a bit challenging. That’s because mini Goldendoodles are a very common breed. Even so, there are still many mini Goldendoodle rescues across the US because several dog parents decided to put their canines up for adoption for a number of reasons.

Where to Find a Reputable Mini Goldendoodle Rescue?

Although mini Goldendoodles are a unique breed, many still live in pet shelters throughout the country. Plan to find a reputable mini Goldendoodle rescue to adopt one? Here’s the list.

Mini Goldendoodle Rescue

IDOG Rescue

IDOG Rescue is the biggest mini Goldendoodle rescue based in Houston, Texas. Not only mini Goldendoodles, but they are also rescuing Poodles and Labradoodles. They also help to get these dogs to a new owner if the previous owner seems incapable to take care of them.

The adoption cost is between $100 and $750. Due to the regulations, it’s a little bit hard to find Goldendoodle puppies in IDOG Rescue. But occasionally, there will get one or two mini Goldendoodles up for adoption. Since this shelter doesn’t cater to any gender or coat colours, the parents should be open to the canine.

Norcal Poodle Rescue

Looking for a rescue mini Goldendoodle in California? Norcal Poodle Rescue is the answer. They are a group of volunteers who serve to any dog parents who can’t seem to take care of Goldendoodles. What’s great about this shelter is that every dog will be rehabilitated. This includes essential sterilization or even surgery.

Since they’re a non-profit organization, 97% of the donations are for the adopted dogs, and the 3% is for administrative or workers. This shelter is open to everyone who wants to volunteer, adopt, or even foster mini Goldendoodles.

Delaware Valley

Delaware Valley Rescue has been starting to rescue and adopt mini Goldendoodles in the Philadelphia area. However, in the beginning, they’re only rescuing Golden Retrievers. Not only rescue mini Goldendoodles for adoption, but they also shelter Labradoodles.

However, Delaware Valley is known as a mini Goldendoodle rescue with strict regulations. Before foster parents want to adopt the dogs, they should have a fenced yard, no children at home, and not allowed to leave the dog outside without supervision.

Mini Goldendoodle Rescue 2

Why People Put Their Dogs in a Mini Goldendoodle Rescue?

Not every person has the capability to take care of mini Goldendoodles. Here are several reasons why some of them decided to put their dogs in a mini Goldendoodle rescue.

Mini Goldendoodles are Hyperactive

Although mini Goldendoodles are not large breed, they actually have a huge amount of energy. If they are not adequately trained, they might become very destructive. Some new dog parents put their dogs in a mini Goldendoodle rescue because they can’t put up with this energetic dog.

Barking Issue

Regardless of their small size, the mini Goldendoodles will bark whenever they feel nervous and excited to play, or feel anxious because of separation. Owning a dog that often barks in a living situation just like in apartments isn’t an ideal choice because their barks are disruptive. Occasionally, the neighbourhood will complain of the disruptive noise, and the dog should be put in a mini Goldendoodle rescue.

Breeding Issue

Due to the growing popularity of mini Goldendoodles, there are so many irresponsible people conducting dreadful breeding techniques. One of the methods is to breed a mini Goldendoodle and put them in a mini Goldendoodle rescue. That’s why there are so many retired mini Goldendoodles in pet shelters.

Mini Goldendoodle Rescue 3

Maintenance Cost

Having a mini Goldendoodle at home will make every dog parent spend around $600 to get the dog groomed for every six weeks. Not only for grooming expense, but they also have to pay for medical check-ups, food, toys, and crate. This total cost is not something that every person can afford. That is why a lot of dogs end up at a mini Goldendoodle rescue.

Let us see its list in the text below, we are going to share some Goldendoodle.

Holly F1

  • Price: $1200 USD
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 3 Weeks
  • Location: Grabill, IN

F1 Toby

  • Price: $600 USD
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 13 weeks
  • Location: Goshen, IN


  • Price: $1000 USD
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 9 Weeks
  • Location: New Haven, IN

Macy F1

  • Price: $1200 USD
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 3 Weeks
  • Location: Grabill, IN

Axie F1

  • Price: $1200 USD
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 3 Weeks
  • Location: Grabill, IN

Cody F1

  • Price: $1200 USD
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 3 Weeks
  • Location: Grabill, IN

If you are planning to adopt a mini Goldendoodle, make sure to adopt this popular crossbreed in a reputable mini Goldendoodle rescue because of their experiences in taking care of the canines. However, before deciding to adopt one, get to know the expenses for the maintenance of this dog first.